Design studio of Dorothea Lee


fartherMORE’s design blog of visual experiments, wonders, and the occasional throwback.

Love is Love

Felix + Josh wanted to get married at a sustainable urban farm—a meaningful location where they dated, volunteered, and shared their love for food, surrounded by guests and lots of details from those loves incorporated throughout. With this mission in mind, I suggested an all-in-one invitation format that was eco-friendly and matched their venue. I also created illustrations of some of their favorite harvest foods and a special insert of a map. The one thing I didn’t anticipate—we wound up with two different versions of the invitation getting printed and distributed to guests!

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Turtles + Tigers + Bears, Oh My!

I've had a complex relationship with illustration. In school it often seemed to be something that should never mix with graphic design. My zine had "too many" of them and therefore I should be looking into switching majors. Alternately, it's said to be impossible to achieve for graphic designers; they simply "can't draw." Now that I'm a professional designer, however, I find it's actually been incredibly helpful to be able to draw on some level, especially when the client can't afford a full blown professional illustrator and graphic designer.

Case in point: an infant clothing start-up that was supposed to benefit endangered species approached me to illustrate a sea turtle, polar bear, and tiger. Here are a couple full sets I submitted:

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Xu Bing's Phoenix

Given the holidays this weekend, I thought it was only fitting to post my pilgrimage to check out Xu Bing's enormous Phoenix art installation—two six-ton, 100-foot sculptures suspended in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

There are already some great photographs readily available of this installation, so I chose a few details to highlight here, as well as other great moments I enjoyed from the site itself.

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Before You Go

Today is the 10th anniversary of my maternal grandmother's passing. I was in college at the time, rushing down to see her when my mom called me to let me know she had already gone. Despite the language barrier, I had always understood her deep love for us, and it took me a long time to process my regrets and loss. Making this artist book to memorialize her, say the things I wanted to say, and depict our relationship was a big part of that.

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"All my work is much more peaceful than I am"—Maya Lin

As I enter my final lap of preparing to start something new, I find myself instead hitting the breaks over fears and self-doubt. Hearing "real talk" like this was refreshing and encouraging, especially coming from a success like Design*Sponge's Grace Bonney. Beyond the comfort of knowing one is not alone, it also gave a few good practical suggestions to respond constructively to fears as well.

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Playing By The Book

Bookmaking perfectly combines my love of paper goods, storytelling, working with my hands, and the challenge of thinking dimensionally. Even when I strip it down to the simplest forms, such as with my sketchbooks, I still like to play around with the binding, materials, or content. I also find it especially satisfying when I can be a little greener by repurposing random materials into pairings that work or add interest.

Here are a few that do just that:

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